Elder Trace A. Rodgerson

Elder Trace A. Rodgerson
Draper Temple August 2, 2010

Monday, February 7, 2011



How's it going?! Don't expect you to answer that. I suppose it's one
of those rhetorical questions Mrs. Snow was always going on about. Ha
anyways, Mom, to answer your question. People in England greet
each other quite funny. It will make you laugh. The saying they say is
"Hi are you alright?" But you add the accent onto it and it comes out
as "yaright?" It's kind of hard to respond to as well. Yes I am
alright? They will sometimes add some kind of name on the end of it as
well like "love" or my favorite "cocker" or just "cock." "yaright
cock?" I can't tell you how many times I have been called that. It's
quite offensive actually. Ha just kidding. They also say goodbye kinda
funny as well. "tala" or "ta" Ta can also mean thank you as well but
the bolton accent saying tala is more like "Tra" Ha british people and
their slang. Ha very good question mother! If you think of anything
else, go ahead and let me know!
Oh shoot. I forgot. I'm staying here in Bolton with Elder Holman. I
mean Hungary. Ha so the transfer call came on monday and we all get on
a giant conference call and the zone leaders read out where everyone
will be going. They got to us and Elder Gallacher goes "and elder
holman, you will be staying and you have been called as the first
branch president of the hungarian branch in bolton!" Ha it was pretty
funny. Well I'm way happy that I get to stay. I hate moving. It is not
fun at all.
This past week and a half has been quite eventful. I went on an
exchange with Elder Sumner from Birmingham. Just spent 24 hours with
him and the whole time we talked about resident evil 5. That's the
zombie game that jake and I play. Elder Sumner is a pretty serious
gamer. He also made me my first curry. Chicken Korma. It was quite
On Monday, Elder Holman got way sick so we spent half the day inside
and he slept for like six hours straight. I took the time to be
productive. I did the dishes and deep cleaned the kitchen, took a
bath, then I cut my hair. Funny story about that. Apparently they use
the metric system in the UK, which I should have been aware of. So on
the clipper when it says 3 it means 3mm. Or something like that, I
dunno. Anyways, I got this pair of clippers from Elder Youles which he
traded for a two weeks stay at our house in Utah so be ready for that.
So I put the clippers on a three and i thought "that looks really
short" So I moved it to a five and just went for it. It turned out to
be really short and I am officially a skinhead. Luckily, I don't have
to see president bulldog for two weeks. Then Elder Holman accidentally
moved the clippers too short and ended up having to buzz his head as
well. So we both look like skin heads. Then I took a shower and we
ordered some dominos because i remembered how much Zatch loves
dominos. Downed a whole medium pizza. I also found a cute little
muslim cap on the ground, so that was exciting.
The Patakis are doing really well. We are into the word of wisdom and
the law of chastity with them so it's been pretty rough for us but
they have been very accepting and have kept every commitment we've
given them. The law of chastity lesson was a little awkward however
because Oliver, the son, is the only one who knows english. So he has
to translate everything that we say. "Do I have to translate that?" Ha
oh man! They are scheduled for next saturday but we might not make it!
We'll see how it goes! Frank Csonka is another investigator we have at
the moment and this week "eating please!" he fed us tiramisu and it
was delicious. Reminded me of being on our cruise! Also found
katelin's mickey mouse that you stuffed into my suitcase! Made me
Well that's all I got for you this week! I will be emailing again on
monday so be ready for it!

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